Flying Change Equine Leadership

Horses helping make better humans.

Immersive Equine Based Executive Leadership and Team-Building


Equine Assisted Learning (EAL) is a powerful way to bring people together for a moving and transformative experience.

An immersive and experiential offsite which involves working with horses to test individual’s assumptions and elicit insights in an unexpected and powerful fashion. The experience combines tailored activities, such as working with horses, storytelling, and deep sense making.

A key advantage of the EAL immersion is the versatility of potential learnings that can be drawn from the experience; for offerings spanning leadership development, coaching, team building, and facilitator training.

No prior horse experience is required and no riding is involved.


Horses hold up a mirror to us - they cannot lie and are completely authentic in their reactions to us.

Join us for a leadership or team building day like no other. Based in Sydney, we can also offer our program in other centres including Melbourne and Brisbane.

“I found the day to be unexpectedly moving. It has had a deep impact on the way I think about my role as a leader”